2021 California Tire Workshop Series and Presenters

2021 CALIFORNIA TIRE VIRTUAL WORKSHOP SERIES Workshop Two : The Future of Tires and Tire Recycling June 29, 2021, 9:00 am - 11:00 am Moderator Ed Boisson, Boisson Consulting This webinar will explore how emerging societal and technological trends like the advancement of automated vehicles, sharedmobility and sustainability/circular economy initiatives could impact the tire industry, tire design and recycling of end-of-life tires. National and global tire industry and tire recycling experts will share their data, insights, and vision for what the futuremay hold. The workshop is intended to help all stakeholders involvedwith tire recycling to understand how these broad trends may impact their efforts, as the pace of change quickens and ultimately disrupts business as usual. • The Tire Industry in Flux David Zielasko , Vice President, Marketing and Communications, Tire Industry Association • Tire Industry SustainableDevelopment RoadMap Anne Cécile Rémont , Director, Tire Industry Project (World Business Council for Sustainable Development) • Michelin’s Vision for Tire Recycling June Satterfield , Director, Industry Standards and Government Regulations, Michelin North America, Inc. • Moving Towards the Future: Key Issues and Strategies Sarah E. Amick , Vice President EHS&S and Senior Counsel John Sheerin , Director End of Life Tire Programs, U.S. TireManufacturers Association